Our First Disney Meet Up

We have been here in Orlando for about five days so far. Things are starting to get unpacked and we are settling in. We arrived on Monday night (October 26th) and now Sunday November 1st is our first Disney meet up! It’s with the Disney Periscopers group. These are ones who, like us, do live broadcasts while they are in the parks or talk about other Disney specific topics. We have been watching most of these people on Periscope for a while now, or following them on other social media so meeting them in person is really exciting. Being new to the area, and new to Disney social media, I’ll admit I was nervous going into this. Many of them all ready know each other. My worse-case-scenario brain was imagining some sort of Disney mean girls situation, (They don’t even GO here!) with us awkwardly standing around talking to each other. My husband Joel, myself, and my daughter Chloe went. (My son opted to stay home. This is totally not his scene at the moment.)

Well, I’m very happy to report that I had no reason to worry. We immediately began talking and meeting people and felt comfortable right away. These are seriously a great group of people. No really. I know people just say that because they don’t want to seem rude or negative. But I’m being totally honest. These are down to earth, nice, approachable people.

Photo Nov 02, 8 35 40 PM

Photo Nov 02, 8 37 12 PM

Photo Nov 02, 8 36 57 PM

The 3 of us with Chris Spokemayne who is bundle of adorable energy. He has a wildly popular YouTube channel where he does weekly vlogs. Watch him. You will not be bored.

Photo Nov 02, 8 37 05 PM

Me with fellow Disney scopers Kari and Donna who is a local, Disney fan, and a Disney employee. 🙂

Photo Nov 03, 1 47 44 PM

Photo Nov 03, 1 46 56 PM


This experience just reaffirmed my belief that Disney people really are the best people. I look forward to hanging with these guys more in the future. If you use Periscope make sure and follow these guys to see some more great Disney broadcasts. I’ll be linking to their twitter accounts so you can follow them there too.

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