boma restaurant Animal kingdom Disney World Review

Disney Dining Review: Breakfast at Boma in Animal Kingdom Lodge

If you’re looking for a delicious breakfast Walt Disney World Florida, outside of hustle and bustle of the parks, and with a great atmosphere you should definitely check out Boma. Getting There   This restaurant is at Animal Kingdom Lodge. This is the Lodge (i.e. hotel), not to be confused with Animal Kingdom the Park….

best Restaurants in Disney World

Review: Rapunzel Bon Voyage Character Breakfast in Disney World 

Disney World has a new character meal at the Trattoria al Forno Italian restaurant. I had the chance to check it out and let me tell you I am a huge fan. Rapunzel Fans Rejoice First off, the best thing about this offering is  the characters. Rapunzel has been a big fan favorite for many of us, and this…