Week Three Thoughts
I know. I skipped week two. Let’s just pretend that I didn’t, ok? 🙂 So how are we doing? Well, this is the first moment in quite a while that I’ve had any time to myself to sit and reflect on that question. Let’s start with something good. We are LOVING getting involved in the world of Disney social media/blogging/Periscoping. It is seriously so much fun. I’ve said it before but Disney people are the best. The people we have connected with online and locally have been awesome. If you are reading this I would include you in this group. Thank you for all the support, the welcoming spirit of a new face and voice in this all ready popular area of interest, and for following our story and caring about it. It means so much.
I have a good friend who had relocated her family to another state a while back and she gave me a good warning. She said the first couple weeks will be so busy that you will be fine. But around week three or four you will start to get lonely. You are losing touch with your friends back home, and those relationships will be changing. But you won’t have made any real connections in the new place. People will still view you as very “new”, and will have intentions of getting to know you better and inviting you out, but won’t have gotten around to it yet. They will want to give you plenty of time to “settle in”. But you will feel like you have been here for almost a month and why aren’t people trying to be best friends with us all ready?! Man was she right. I guess maybe I didn’t realize how very social we are. Even my quiet, more introverted son was quite often hanging with friends or talking to them online. Now it’s the four of us. All. The. Time. Maybe we are getting a little sick of each other.
One thing that has helped is having visitors. First my mom came to visit for several days. She lives in St. Augustine beach, about 3 hours northeast of us.
Then shortly after that Joel’s parents came down for a week. They were concerned at first that they were coming too soon after we had moved. And maybe if you’d asked me beforehand I may have said that being here less than a month might be too soon for company. But we ended up asking them to move it up earlier than they originally planned. Having that bit of home was just what we needed at that time. They decided to get AP’s too and we enjoyed going to the parks with them.
Our next visitors will be at the end of this month and it’s two kids that are close friends of my kids. We are looking forward to having them stay. They were at our house so often I feel a little like I left some of my kids behind. You moms will get this. We bond with our kid’s friends too. 🙂 I’m sure you will see them in future pictures on our Instagram. And then at the end of the month, some more friends of my sons will be coming and also my niece and her friend. So we are looking forward to all of them. (So,if you are friends of ours from back home, come visit! We miss you!)
My son is about the same I’d say. I’m still worrying over that. A lot. But like I said, he has his three closest friends coming to visit over the next two months so that will be good for him. I’m hoping he will enjoy showing them around here and maybe see the area with new eyes. We shall see. For now he’s still boycotting the idea of making new friends. Or being in pictures. Or admitting that he’s enjoying himself in any way.
Hmmm what else?…. Oh so I realized something. I’m not on vacation. I know. It shocked me too. But I don’t understand. I’m at Disney.
It’s a bit of an adjustment to miss out on meeting people to play in Magic Kingdom because you have got to do laundry or you will literally have no clean clothes to wear. And maybe it’s time for me to find where I packed that toilet brush. (where is that thing?) And don’t even get me started on grocery shopping. My in-laws literally went to Publix and stocked my pantry when they visited because it was that bad. (How sweet was that though?) I kept saying, “I swear I will buy food soon”. But for now we could just pick up Dole Whip for dinner, kay?
So here’s the cold hard truth. You still have to do all that crappy stuff that you need to do to…you know…live. Even when Disney is right there. But I am happy to say that I haven’t abandoned all sense of adult responsibility. I am getting my stuff done. Mostly. 🙂 It’s a thing in progress.
Everyone keeps telling us how unusually hot it is here and apologizing the weather isn’t better. What? I mean, it’s Florida. I expected it to be warmer than Virginia. It’s fine. I have no point of reference so it hasn’t bothered me at all. It’s been mostly in the 80’s during the day and 70’s at night. Which means in the afternoon in the sun you are hot. But it’s not awful. I walk our dog every morning and thoroughly enjoy it.
So overall we are adjusting pretty well. I’ll touch base again soon for further updates. Meanwhile, is there something you’d like to know regarding the move that I haven’t addressed? Leave me a comment with your question and I will answer on a future post.
Thanks for reading and have a great evening.